Fussiness in a sentence as a noun

Overall it looks a lot like this was Apple fussiness.

It’s been really low-fussiness, which I was kinda surprised by.

Although it’s better for him to have a more varied diet I thought kids mostly grew out of this fussiness.

Steam trains, and Victorian gothic fussiness were of the mucky past.

It’s a machine-learning company.” might be better, but ... meh, title fussiness.

At this point there are simply other DBs available that can perform the same or nearly the same without all the fussiness.

As a result, I guess you could say that I lose focus frequently but quickly regain it. My fussiness in regard to music is something that I need to work on in general.

And merchant marine sailors typing stuff into bridge systems definitely don't share my fussiness when it comes to getting data right.

I am impressed both by the power of the CSP part of the design and the extreme simplicity and non-fussiness of the interface it presents.

Pullum's fussiness about the meaning of the word "passive" obscures S&W's point: vividness and brevity come together nicely in the active construction.

I think I might be the only person on HN who actually luv- luv- luvs iTunes, and I say this as someone who once wrote his own MP3 player interface out of extreme music-player-fussiness.

I think you could probably argue that a police officer's execution of the law can be Turing complete, even given the fussiness of interpretation you describe.

I try to practice stoicism whenever I remember about it, and logically I try to remember that I should be grateful for his fussiness and rebelliousness, since they give me occasions to practice my stoicism.

Fussiness definitions


an irritable petulant feeling

See also: irritability crossness fretfulness peevishness petulance choler


unnecessary elaborateness in details