Cerebral in a sentence as an adjective

My mother had cerebral palsy and received a check for $500/month.

I am afraid to even ask for 150k salary in SV for the same amount of cerebral work.

From what I've read of his death, it sounds like he was killed by high-altitude cerebral edema.

Sure, what we do is cerebral, but so was advertising in the Mad Man era. VC-istan isn't worse than these other industries, but it's not better.

My son has cerebral palsy and I can see the immediate benefit that a machine like this would bring to him.

" It reminded me of a story I was told of a dinner party at which one of the guests suffered from cerebral palsy.

An action film was good so long as it had effective action; films purporting to be more cerebral in nature had rather more to answer for.

Also, if lyrics distract you and you like electronic, maybe try looking up some "minimal techno" - it's kind of weird, but very cerebral.

Instead you need to break down the wall between your gut desires and your cerebral strategies, and make those two parts of yourself acknowledge each other and collaborate.

I think I would have enjoyed the movie a lot more if I had gone into it expecting a cool action movie with neat ideas, rather than something cerebral.

You attempt to juggle at first, but pretty soon you realise the frustration of context switching from a more cerebral world to a banal one - and then back - takes its toll mentally.

The caffeine will activate cAMP, causing some dilation of cerebral blood vessels, getting more profusion to the noggin, helping overcome the headache.

From anatomical studies, we also know that there are "loops" formed between non-motor areas of the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum.

That is the ability to sleep with one cerebral hemisphere at a time, while the other hemisphere is awake"In other words: the brain has two CPUs, and they switch off only one at a time.

"According to the report, the difference between the US model and the Netherlands could be seen in that twice as many premature infants born in the US survived to the age of two, but in the US five times as many premature infants had disabling cerebral palsy.

I realize that choosing genders by coinflip would give 25% probability of this outcome, and if that's what the author did, I'll shut up, but if not, making the antisocial cerebral character male and the technically weak, pleasant communicator female seems like lazy writing to me.

Cerebral definitions


involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct; "a cerebral approach to the problem"; "cerebral drama"

See also: intellectual


of or relating to the cerebrum or brain; "cerebral hemisphere"; "cerebral activity"