Gubbins in a sentence as a noun

That kind experience exposes you to the gubbins a bit more than modern games do.

I'd love to see someone tear the gubbins out of Inkscape and place them in a good user interface.

There's some deprecated gubbins in there mostly having to do with styling the box images.

That's all OK in theory but not in reality having migrated various Java EE gubbins on a project.

But I'd never made the connection, that it may be a form of signalling - our company is modern and doesn't need all the gubbins to process paper.

"I really have no time for developers who go on about how we should be teaching lambdas or mutability or tail recursion to 12 year olds or that kind of high horse gubbins.

Bash does the job people expect it to do and would probably be _very_ alienated it they'd had to start messing around with .net gubbins.>And yes I would prefer your second "mental overhead" way as it involves less typingMaybe for the first time you would.

If it is uniformly thick then the phone will half in thickness going from phone to tablet and if the guts of the phone are hidden underneath one half of the screen then when you lay it flat the gubbins of the phone will stop the phone/tablet from sitting flush with whatever you put it on.

On the back of the contact us form there could be all the useful support gubbins so that whomever is in support dealing with the 'complaint' sent on on the contact us does not have to ask the customer to go to some third party site to find out the browser/IP/screen size and so on.

Gubbins definitions


something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known; "she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket"; "there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use"

See also: doodad doohickey doojigger gimmick gizmo gismo thingamabob thingumabob thingmabob thingamajig thingumajig