Doohickey in a sentence as a noun

So, a native app is not a native app at all but some made-up doohickey.

"But then you can turn around and say "Oh yeah, the doohickey on my closet door is broken, I'll just print another one."

The difference being that in this case, it's a doohickey in NetBSD that you can turn on if you're feeling bored or deranged.

Don't know if he was in the process of delivering a pizza at the time, but he had the doohickey on the roof.

I was asked to fill out their online doohickey to evaluate whether I would be allowed to "be on their team.

I wonder if Apple has patented their "**** up the corner of the page" animation doohickey from their map apps.

The problem, and it’s a big one, is that you can’t really carry a different doohickey around for each of your passwords.

Why would a company want all its employees to have to buy their outlook calendar-based time logger doohickey?

Did you notice that the GP was suggesting to do away with all of those things and replace it with a single doohickey?People lose each of the things you list every day.

That's an interesting idea, replace the burners in a scam jet with a electo-magnetic plasma doohickey.

They can generally prove who they are to the relevant vendor with the other things they haven't lost yet. How do you do that with a single doohickey?And, as ams6110 mentioned, none of the things in your list require anything like 2FA - perhaps a PIN code on the bank card, but that's it.

Hey, it's a lucky thing that Apple's American, otherwise the Chinese might be able to get their hands on this kind of advanced doohickey, and then where would we be?.

Too often, I'm faced in a shop with a choice between a large doohickey and a small doohickey and I really want a medium doohickey, and have to drive/phone/search a lot for it.

"some doohickey that lowers gas mileage"I was thinking if I lowered the RF exposure from my cell phone using one of those stickers you put on the battery, using some magic battery gadget in combination might very well turn my phone into a perpetual energy device.

Doohickey definitions


something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known; "she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket"; "there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use"

See also: doodad doojigger gimmick gizmo gismo gubbins thingamabob thingumabob thingmabob thingamajig thingumajig