Gismo in a sentence as a noun

Also the cheap gismo was cheap because it was a clone, original tools are not that cheap.

You can have all the fancy shader tech and other 3d gismo engine whatever at hand, but without the story/plot and creative content, anything you made using it wouldn't amount to much....and that content is very difficult to make!

Gismo definitions


something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known; "she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket"; "there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use"

See also: doodad doohickey doojigger gimmick gizmo gubbins thingamabob thingumabob thingmabob thingamajig thingumajig


a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

See also: appliance contraption contrivance convenience gadget gizmo widget