Thingamabob in a sentence as a noun

Agreed, I have an intel embedded thingamabob and it works fine.

If you bust your *** instead of skating by, you, personally, can get your very own expensive thingamabob.

I'm honestly not sure how to detect which version of Apple's adaptive live streaming protocol thingamabob is being received.

You just have to do these 3 things to get Wayland working with the thingamabob" and at that point, I'd be perfectly happy with a hackintosh if it means I have to fiddle.

Imagine the US state coming to you for a friendly chat: "Sir, we are aware you want to go to North-Korea to present on this 'blockchain' and 'smart contracts' thingamabob.

That guy is truly a social media superhero, I tell ya. In fact, I'm not wondering if this whole post isn't part of some elaborate viral marketing thingamabob that Wayne is orchestrating...

Roman surgeons had hundres of tools, each a weird metal thingamabob specifically built for one singular procedure.

"In an ideal world, a continuous integration thingamabob would have sent an alert to rails maintainers about the breakage with the rake beta.

Yahoo, which gave us such critical technologies as Hadoop and Pig, just gave us what appears to be a robust distributed stream processing thingamabob.

Actually, who says you need complicated control schemes and traditional video games?Bizarre idea: strap on a Rift headset, instead of a treadmill you've now got some kind of thingamabob rigged to tilt and turn an exercise bike.

Much in the same way, when you've crammed the ifs and elses, the fors and whiles, the variables and constants, the pointers and pointers to pointers, and pointers to functions, and pointers to pointers to pointers to functions, and then you go on to build that thingamabob or model that gene sequence or understand that earthquake, then you realize the true power of what you've been working with.

Thingamabob definitions


something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known; "she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket"; "there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use"

See also: doodad doohickey doojigger gimmick gizmo gismo gubbins thingumabob thingmabob thingamajig thingumajig