Tablet in a sentence as a noun

Because I posted the spec list of the tablet.

You can now have one device, let's say a tablet, that you can use like a touch device.

Wacom junkies will be very pleased when so-equipped tablets ship.

Start worrying about mobile and tablet platforms instead.

They're going to use whichever video chat comes built into their SmartPhone, tablet, computer, etc.

But other than some of the marketing, it doesn't seem to fall any closer to Apple than any of the Android tablets we've been seeing for the last year.

There doesn't need to be an OS or a UI for the Apple TV: your phone or tablet will be a better experience for typing and searching for content every time.

Can you not accept that Jobs was a great leader who didn't deserve to die, but that he left a scary, proprietary footprint all over the mobile and tablet space?

They will not compete with Apple's "revolutionary, magical" phones and tablets; instead, they'll sell quality tablets and readers to the average person at great prices.

Products like this are great, as they teach children how to get around stupid arbitrary restrictions from a young age, so are less likely to end up as drooling passive consumers poking at a tablet and more likely to become hackers.

>The Surface is partially for Microsofts world of denial: the world in which this store contains no elephants and Microsoft invented the silver store with the glass front and the glowing logo and blue shirts and white lanyards and these table layouts and the modern tablet and its magnetic power cableHuh what?

Heres why this is awesome: - The name Unity finally makes perfect sense - Phone can expand into a tablet can expand into a desktop - larger form factor can run smaller form factor apps - app switcher is slick - Canonical finally learned how to use all the ********* motivational words that apple uses to inspire people - OS level tie ins to social services - Still open source I'm excited to use it, and I'm excited to help.

Tablet definitions


a slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription


a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge


a small flat compressed cake of some substance; "a tablet of soap"


a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet

See also: pill lozenge