Contraption in a sentence as a noun

Seems a bit of a bother to use chopsticks and the fishing line contraption.

That's, after all, why that whole fascinating contraption of ours is called an air-plane.

But none of that takes away my gut feeling that it is all an elaborate Rube Goldberg contraption.

Perhaps one would call this sort of exotic and nefarious contraption a "safe"?

And Cucumber - ugh what a ridiculous contraption that is.

I'm still going to opt-out until I'm required by law to go through whatever contraption they have deployed.

I wouldn't want a car like contraption, it's just massive overkill for something that humans have turned into a big deal.

This was a Rube Goldberg contraption that, when bolted onto a three-speed bicycle, enabled it to keep up, just barely, with Apple-cars.

I recall a Nova or something on PBS several years ago where an MIT student had built a contraption that did essentially that.

It am pretty certain the Dyson contraption is actually much less efficient than a properly designed plain fan which produces the same airflow.

" If that happens, well, you can override the default and generate a weaker password for that one service, or vote with your feet and not provide your account details to such a suspicious contraption.

The car industry has done a quite wonderful job of transforming the 'mechanical horse', a contraption able to take you between locations with minimal effort from the occupants, into an extension of your personality and some form of lifestyle statement.

I have visions of a rube-goldberg style contraption, starting with the car horn activating, scaring a flock of pigeons, knocking over a set of bowling pins, bumping into a lit candle and tipping it under a rope, burning through and releasing a piano on some poor sap's head.

The average length of time to find a block at 9999khash and current difficulty is 1200+ days, so even that estimate is over-optimistic, so this isn't worth anything if your users don't sit on your site for 5 years+, unless it's hooked into a pool or some other contraption to pay on shares instead of blocks.

That's a Rube Goldberg contraption of a business model if I've ever seen one: it requires the government to continue its practice of giving broadcasters a practically free distribution channel, while relying on lobbyism and legal threats to make the government forget about the public mandate.

I'm not sure how you'd double-blind that, but extrapolating linearly from your description of how you double-blinded the Vitamin D capsules I would imagine it looks something like having a housemate randomly stuff the cat into one of two bags and you randomly opening precisely one each night via some sort of complicated-but-scientific mechanical contraption.

Contraption definitions


a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

See also: appliance contrivance convenience gadget gizmo gismo widget