Flower in a sentence as a noun

He'll hold up a flower and say, "Look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree.

But then he'll say, "I, as an artist, can see how beautiful a flower is.

The equivalent in English would be something like "there is a cross on the left and a flower on the right.

I'm a precious flower and everyone loves me because they are so blessed by my presence!

> Someone is still putting flowers there.\n\nSome day soon, leave a flower yourself with a note — just what you said here, ‘nice guy, got **** done’.

[...] There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower.

I live in a very liberal city, and there's almost zero chance I'm going to get bullied by the lady at the flower shop.

Flower in a sentence as a verb

Bourbon is nothing compared to the rush of white-hot outrage you can extract from a bureaucracy in full flower.

There is quite a chasm between the flower child from Novato coming down for the weekend to trade peace patches for shrooms and the addict gutter punk types who live there permanently.

They might possibly be that rare exception, a flower blooming on a dunghill, but asking sharp questions to establish that is neither impolite nor inappropriate.

I would totally cringe at something called "Jock Strap" or "scrotum" or "********".Tampon isn't just a feminine word like "flower" or "butterfly", it's biological and personal.

Had you not been preoccupied with wishing the world was other than it is, that flower would have reminded you that, even in the presence of destruction, life and beauty are resilient, and will ultimately triumph.

"I now also have a "flower guy" because they're the only one in the city who will do international flower orders...PS - Specific example, NewEgg, wanted to buy a several hundred dollar laptop - couldn't.

> Having fn, control, alt, option, command, and whatever the last one is, I call it flower but I think in the past it might have been open-appleHow did this fellow spend six years using a Mac without ever realizing that "command" is that flower-looking thing?

Flower definitions


a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms


reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

See also: bloom blossom


the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

See also: prime peak heyday bloom blossom efflorescence flush


produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

See also: bloom blossom