Heyday in a sentence as a noun

Digg WAS, in its heyday, the best place to find and share online content.

I'm getting flashbacks from the heyday of CD-ROM publishing.

"But then he went on to be a major funder of Zynga, which in its heyday was a scummy, spam business.

Gates was a programmer and actively participated in tech reviews in his heyday.

In the heyday of the automotive industry, the best auto worker in the world produced about the same output as the average auto worker.

I'm glad I experienced the old internet back in its heyday, when high quality sites linked to other high quality sites, and Google exposed this natural topology for all to explore.

And these residents, who were working-class folks in the heyday of the town before all the jobs moved out, and many of whom are Hispanic immigrants who work the surrounding farms and are too scared of the government to raise a fuss, don't have the leverage of Palo Alto's Stanford and Berkeley grads.

Heyday definitions


the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

See also: flower prime peak bloom blossom efflorescence flush