Bloom in a sentence as a noun

I feel feel badly for them sure, but I don't think it will derail this particular technology bloom.

If you think the way to change the world is with your "subscription-based site for fashion essentials" I say let a thousand flowers bloom.

BackgroundA bloom filter is a bitmap which lets you test if an item is a member of a set, in constant time and constant space.

The cool thing is if you use a bloom filter to insert and retrieve multiple counters using different hash functions.. and then average the results.

Instead, we opted for accumulated for 10 to 60 seconds in bloomd and hlld and statsite, then aggregating and doing a single bulk SQL update.

Bloom in a sentence as a verb

So you load up a bloom filter with a bunch of addresses which you expect any new payments will come in on, and you can share that bitmap with other people on the network.

After you add items to a bloom filter there's some probability that the corresponding bits for items that haven't been added are also set.

BIP 0037[0] for example tries to mitigate the size issue with bloom filters, so you no longer need to download the complete block chain to be able to verify transactions.

Let a thousand Solyndras bloom!But seriously, exempting smaller firms and fundraising efforts from costly regulations is a good part of this initiative.

Bloom definitions


the organic process of bearing flowers; "you will stop all bloom if you let the flowers go to seed"

See also: blooming


reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

See also: flower blossom


the best time of youth


a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health

See also: blush flush rosiness


the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

See also: flower prime peak heyday blossom efflorescence flush


a powdery deposit on a surface

See also: efflorescence


produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

See also: blossom flower