Blossom in a sentence as a noun

Off the top of my head, I can think of dozens of my contempories that would blossom in a program like this.

But some circumstances allow that truly blossom and I think can argue we have those circumstances now.

Imagine a world that practically runs itself and leaves us to care for each other and blossom with nature.

I can also learn from that experience, and build up my own projects with friends in my spare time that will likely blossom into a company someday.

Blossom in a sentence as a verb

It seems today every developer is supposed to have a real side project that could blossom into it's own business at any point.

" This line of reasoning will quickly blossom in your clients mind, and before long your client will expect you to get up at 3am in the morning to add in some new feature he just dreamed up.

To this day, they crow about how abstaining from applying the heavy-handed common carrier regulations to internet service allowed it to blossom into what it is today.

This wonderful article captures perfectly how, in the right environment, children with Down Syndrome can blossom, but how hard it can be for them as adults once society & red tape & bureaucracy all come into play.

Blossom definitions


reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

See also: flower bloom


the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

See also: flower prime peak heyday bloom efflorescence flush


produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

See also: bloom flower


develop or come to a promising stage; "Youth blossomed into maturity"

See also: unfold