Cringe in a sentence as a verb

I can just imagine how smug you were writing this, it's making me cringe.

95% of what I read about aviation/aerospace here makes me cringe.

I cringe of deceit and sheer lack of conscientiousness.

With SpaceX and their heavy-lift plans in the back of my mind, watching the video made me cringe.

Ask if they would pay $X dollars for your product where X is something that makes you cringe because you think it's too much.

There's a certain morbid curiosity that makes me want to look at the code I wrote back then, I'm sure I would cringe.

Every time an article involving Richard Stallman gets posted here I cringe as I read through the comments.

So, I always cringe a little when I read medical conclusions in the mainstream media.

I always cringe when that happens, and I realize I'm playing an inferior strategy.

It wasn't just their abilities, but their "maturity".Now I cringe to think of my attitude as little as 5 years ago.

I care deeply about _why and his contributions as well, and I still cringe thinking about how I felt the moment I realized he and his work and his wit were gone from the community forever.

Typically researchers develop their own methods for weighting samples in the temperature reconstructions and many of these methods would make a statistician cringe.

The quality of instruction and academic support in the undergrad classes makes me cringe for the students, particularly given the astronomical tuitions demanded of them.

When you see subjects you don't know anything about reported in the media, your default assumption should be that if you knew the subject better, you would cringe, and the only reason you're not cringing is that you don't know better.

Cringe definitions


draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf"

See also: flinch squinch funk shrink wince recoil quail


show submission or fear

See also: fawn crawl creep cower grovel