Fecundity in a sentence as a noun

We can think of voluntary birth control as a virus that impacts fecundity.

And you can't part them out, imagining an animal with the vision of an eagle and the reach of a giraffe and the speed of a cheetah and the fecundity of E. coli.

Actually, with birth control we fool our bodies into thinking that we're mating so fecundity doesn't apply I guess.

The propagation of ideas is more often a function of their fecundity than their nobility.

And fecundity is an important criterion for a site that uses posts as a catalyst for productive discussion.

The problem is that those pigs and chimps that try to interbreed and fail would be wasting time and resources and end up falling behind in fecundity to their "breed true" cousins.

The government can create a "high-fecundity during wartime" category of marriage if it wants, and grant extra tax benefits.

[17] Persian traditions hold that "Abraham owed his fecundity and longevity to the regular ingestion of yogurt".

Coyne, a Darwinist, discusses the Cambrian explosion as not being quite what creationists claim: it would be improbable for such fecundity of life to have occurred in the timeframe observed.

Fertility will recover once inherited fecundity spreads through the population.

Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.” After earlier writing of the “abundance of offspring” and the “fecundity” of the Chinese, he goes on to say: “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races.

There are identifiable subgroups that have very high fecundity, and whose descendants are capable of eating any possible green revolution within a few centuries at the most.

If anything, expected good health after reproductive age negatively correlates with fecundity.

For orb web spiders, the most common explanation is likely fecundity-based female gigantism because clutch size, the most commonly used proxy for spider fecundity, generally strongly correlates with female body size both intra- and inter-specifically.

* Consult reproductive endocrinologists for correct information about fecundity.

This effect whereby "all high growth populations have eventually slowed their population growth as gdp capita and mean years of schooling increased" is a temporary phenomenon we observe while natural selection does its work and selects for those who are able to resist the fecundity-reducing effects of modernity --- people like the Amish and the Haredi.

It's not even necessary to imagine genetic inheritance: even cultural transmission of fecundity from generation to generation would suffice for shifting the distribution of personality traits in the world's population away from whatever depresses birthrate below replacement and towards whatever promotes high birthrates.

Fecundity definitions


the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination

See also: fruitfulness


the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring

See also: fertility


the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth

See also: fruitfulness