Fertility in a sentence as a noun

One way to avoid problems is to push the fertility up, as discussed in the article.

Then -- if fertility drops very fast down to replacement level -- it will quadruple again.

Then fertility drops to replacement level or near it, sometimes even below.

It has a slightly above average fertility rate, so it will have disproportionately more children.

South Korea has one of the lowest fertility rates on the planet and extremely high gender inequality.

Theres an incredible drop in fertility rate within 2-3 generations every time.

Only a conservative bastion like the WSJ would describe a declining fertility rate as a crisis: "The root cause of most of our problems is our declining fertility rate.

Usually wealth, education, and women's rights lead to a drop in fertility, so if you're worried about population growth your #1 priority should be to help poor countries get richer.

Their old father had told them the truth - the treasure buried in the land was its fertility, and their hard work had uncovered it!But everyone wants to believe a get-rich-quick scheme, and the two sons were no exception.

Biological clock is more about absolute fertility vs. healthy fertility.

"Revisiting demographic transition: correlation and causation in the rate of development and fertility decline.

Don't know if you noticed, but in western countries the population is aging, due to a decrease in birth rate/fertility, a decrease in mortality rate and a higher life expectancy, all leading to a sharp decline in population growth.

Most of the cues we associate with beauty and sexual desire evolved back in the savanna when health and fertility were very real risks; being able to pick up on which potential mates would be able to carry healthy offspring to term and nurture them until adulthood was very important then.

Fertility definitions


the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year

See also: birthrate natality


the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring

See also: fecundity


the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth; "he praised the richness of the soil"; "weeds lovely in their rankness"

See also: richness rankness prolificacy