Supplant in a sentence as a verb

I don't think we will ever see Perl 6 supplant Perl 5.

To create a new offering that will supplant bitcoin?

It's a fantastic framework that should and could supplant the JVM.

If the goal of this is to supplant vBulletin and phpBB, it has to be written in PHP, period.

Unicode will eventually supplant it I have no doubt.

I would always have a fear that something else would come along and supplant the API I was working with.

Other languages supplanted it because other languages could supplant it.

Its goal is to supplant C and C++. I'm not sure what exactly they mean by "structured web programming," but it does not sound like a systems programming language would naturally fill that goal.

I think OpenStack will eventually be supplanted by something much better.

Linux didn't supplant Windows by copying it; it supplanted Windows by offering something that was better.

And, even if technological progress could someday supplant the need for corporations, this piece does not make the case for how that will ever be possible.

As the innards of the program itself is better understood, I expect dfhack to supplant more and more of the original UI; it already has a dwarf therapist like mode, a much better job manager, and has started venturing into fundamentally reworking the UI.

What is more, as video streaming has begun to supplant things such as DVDs, I have moved somewhat zombie-like into Amazon's Prime streaming service for the reason, among others, that I have developed my reflexive relationship with the company and have found it easy to try their other offerings before I will move to offerings of other vendors.

This is because we want our kids to be happy and we come up with cookie-cutter solutions for happiness: "have a high-paying job" supplants "not have to have headaches about money", "be important", "be powerful" and "be famous" supplant "be harder to oppress by society or more powerful people".To me, that seems to be a more fundamental problem than the problem of education and one a lot harder to solve.

Supplant definitions


take the place or move into the position of; "Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left"; "the computer has supplanted the slide rule"; "Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school"

See also: replace supersede supercede