Gigantism in a sentence as a noun

Long after the EU has succumbed to gigantism the Swiss will still be around.

Most top NBA and NFL players are ******* huge, because those sports reward gigantism.

And the child can't literally have horns, so maybe he just had gigantism and some sort of weird growths on his head.

Between the wild gigantism of nature, the palette of colors, the mountains bathing in dark silk sand beaches.

It takes say isolation and no threats like say island gigantism to have that sort of "nothing preys on me" chill attitude.

They can be, in many cases, but that's not because they own capital.> It's not gigantism because it's not done at a national level.

Perhaps there's some gene modification that will cause uncontrolled gigantism, and perhaps a handful of people will want that.

It's the most total gigantism, the ultimate monopoly.

Grasshoppers have nice hams - can you imagine herding 1000 pound gigantism adapted grasshoppers?

The problem with that solution is that it's kicking the can down the road for another generation to reset the system once it returns to the gigantism of old.

Blood pressure spikes get eliminated for "normality".This lack of thought and focus on flow eliminates morals and devalues changing forms and structures in favour of a mindless gigantism.

It too will succumb to the problems of gigantism and the pressure of "shareholder value" in the long run, but for now you really can't compare the credibility of Google's and Microsoft's open source programs.

Yes, but an HSA is explicitly not an insurance account; it's a tax-advantaged savings account you use to cover routine, predictable medical expenses while a high-deductable insurance plan covers broken bones and gigantism.

For orb web spiders, the most common explanation is likely fecundity-based female gigantism because clutch size, the most commonly used proxy for spider fecundity, generally strongly correlates with female body size both intra- and inter-specifically.

Gigantism definitions


excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland

See also: giantism overgrowth


excessive largeness of stature

See also: giantism