Oubliette in a sentence as a noun

I was in an office with no windows, a bit of a hole or maybe even oubliette.

You had pedit5, moria, oubliette, krozair, dnd, dungeon, then in 1979 avatar, just to mention but a few.

R is far out there in the oubliette of languages used by non-programmers, that work not like programmers would epxect them to work because they're languages not for programmers.

Martin Luther King didn't live in a world where we imprison innocent men in legal limbo without trial or habeas corpus, or where we officially sanctioned torture and the oubliette.

"Martin Luther King didn't live in a world where we imprison innocent men in legal limbo without trial or habeas corpus, or where we officially sanctioned torture and the oubliette.

Your basic oubliettes and music-blasting oubliettes fall into that category, along with emetic-laced meals and gratuitous bureaucratic nonsense runaround.

What will happen when every person who stands in protest vanishes into an oubliette the instant after they rise to their feet?The impulse to stamp out crime so thoroughly as to make it practically impossible is an open invitation to the tyranny of the totalitarian police state.

Having had to deal with issues in Seattle myself and having had family members that were the victims of crime in Seattle I'm sympathetic however can't we do a better job of dealing with the violent and deal with addicts without throwing them into an oubliette?Regarding the idiot trying to throw women over the overpass.

Oubliette definitions


a dungeon with the only entrance or exit being a trap door in the ceiling