Exuberant in a sentence as an adjective

I wasn't giddy, I wasn't exuberant, and I was still myself.

Maybe some exuberant HN stories need a counterpoint and that's the purpose served by those negative #1 comments.

This solves a problem of exuberant costs for large payments, but my main problem is the reverse: small payments, transactions of a few dollars each.

Finding code definition is pretty well handled by exuberant-ctags and vim-rails, but finding code uses is trickier.

The fact is, whatever your particular situation, most companies don't return the exuberant loyalty you have for them.

He was irritated by the dichotomy, and we had exuberant debates about it, Egan recalled.

I would be exuberant to be corrected on this, but to my knowledge a dolphin has never put a fish in a human's hands and cried 'kreeeikaaa' to try to teach us the word.

Many of these are erroneous or overly exuberant but it's just because people get excited when they first understand something new.

I fear over-exuberant and irresponsible entrepreneurs will repeat these mistakes for as long as startups exist.

Donating to your favorite artist or an emerging talent should be the nature of our cultural progress, rather than the selfish strive for exuberant compensation.

Always seemed a little quixotic and irrationally exuberant.

" and got shouted down as being a Luddite?I've seen that countless times where exuberant "experts" hastily choose a new technology over the warnings of those who are a little more thoughtful in their technology choices.

I don't mind at all ambitious, overzealous and over-exuberant prosecutors.

Exuberant definitions


joyously unrestrained

See also: ebullient high-spirited


unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed"

See also: excessive extravagant overweening


produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous blooming"

See also: lush luxuriant profuse riotous