Extravagant in a sentence as an adjective

In computing we often try to find new and extravagant ways to do the same old tasks.

That said, a couple hours of interruption-free work doesn't seem an extravagant request.

But we still like to tell people if only they remove all of the extravagant things from their lives, like nights out with friends and hobbies, that they will get rich too.

When I was about his age, after a particularly colorful and extravagant Tournament of Roses parade my sister and I staged a parade of our own. I had a toy monster truck with two gears: low and high.

This helps them to keep sane and escape the drudgery, which is a bit like the rich and the middle class taking extravagant holidays, or going out to get drunk etc.

I may not be extravagant, but I don't want to miss any wonderful opportunity because I was too worried about my bank balance.

But even when they're not, they almost never cost you anything; in fact, because the rich choose to soak themselves with Veblen goods, their extravagant purchases actually help you by driving the economy.

It is entirely legitimate to challenge Snowden's grasp of what NSA was doing, especially in the wake of his more extravagant claims....Legitimate because you've seen the entire 36 page document and are basing your objections on actual evidence?

Extravagant definitions


unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed"

See also: excessive exuberant overweening


recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures"

See also: prodigal profligate spendthrift