Erroneous in a sentence as an adjective

That might be worse than sending an erroneous one.

So, the potential for erroneous snap judgments in such a Court seems high.

If anything, I think the metrics are different, and that leads to a lot of erroneous conclusions.

I really regret the erroneous conclusion, the impact it made on the workers, and the way the whole scenario played out at MAF.

That they do any kind of targeting beyond geographic targeting at all is probably erroneous for their type of business.

The lessons of **** Germany are not that Germans in the 1930s were the most evil persons in history, making it erroneous and offensive to compare anyone else to them.

In a less well-known problem, caused by erroneous data, the thrust of the LM's descent engine fluctuated wildly because the throttle control algorithm was only marginally stable.

There is no judicial overview, no audit trail and absolutely no way to tell who was responsible to introducing erroneous or just opinionated domains on the list.

It's like I think that since that they are all so easy to find, and they happen so often, the time that these seeming wizards made them is proportional to how much attention I have put on them, which is clearly erroneous.

They also amassed over $3 billion net short positions spread across 75 stocks during those 45 minutes causing significant losses to investors with stop loss positions triggered that would not have happened without Knight's erroneous trades.

Erroneous definitions


containing or characterized by error; "erroneous conclusions"