Ebullient in a sentence as an adjective

Whether they are a reinvention or not, can't I be ebullient about them?

They were certainly a romantic and ebullient group, eh?

Don’t forget that the ebullient founders see a payday on most any exit whereas you won’t.

It's the headiest mixture of ebullient joy and sheer terror that's ever existed.

The only two people I have known who died by their own hand were both incredibly radiant, ebullient individuals.

I love new technology for example, and I get pretty ebullient about whatever new things there are.

", but that's to be expected with any case of over-ebullient advocacy.

The coming IoT shakedown is going to leave quite a few ebullient "visionaries" crying in their martini while they consider their next startup.

I am simply ebullient with anticipation over the thought of the first copbot arresting its own human supervisor.

It's full of "just a period here, not an exclamation point, but I'm pretty sure you're gonna be pretty ebullient anyway" faux-understatement.

Its hard to be captivated by complex harmony when you are perfectly satisfied with I vi IV V. I was a music student and piano improviser, and I spent much of my time finding ebullient and brooding chord progressions.

" I have seen young teenagers who just yesterday were ebullient, verbal, interactive, and full of personality turn into aphasic zombies within three months of getting a smart phone or an iPad.

It seemed like everyone who’d interviewed me was ebullient at how quickly and rigorously I’d answered all their questions.> Finally, it seemed like I’d cracked the code.> A week and a half later I open my inbox, and there fresh and white, a reply from my 23AndMe recruiter.

"each turn in the road reconnoitred in advance", "...the once tedious Mr. Nuttall had been injected with an ebullient charisma", "prostrate yourself before the altar of benumbing technology", "windswept promontory"...Perhaps an explanation can be found in the that I am merely an unlettered ignoramus too adherent of simpler writing styles.

Ebullient definitions


joyously unrestrained

See also: exuberant high-spirited