Riotous in a sentence as an adjective

> Spend your money on riotous livingThe letter is BS with the first line.

There was a riotous interlude while posters were ripped from the walls, banners torn to shreds and trampled underfoot.

Let's celebrate the unwavering ASP they have obtained, and cheer on those riotous riches!

I read this as:"CDE open sourced..." laughter, comedic pause>"...on SourceForge" laughter, fade to black>

The lack of policing gave space and air to the riotous members hiding within the protests to spread mayhem, destruction, and death.

Yet there are people who are insisting that the riotous activities can be accurately given that label.

Estate taxes do not contribute to “riotous living” because cash on hand is not at all a limiting factor on how much they party.

There is riotous behavior occurring, although not all participants are rioters.

I've travelled by train in the UK since the early 80s and it's far worse now. Feet on seats, bags on seats, people talking on phones using speakerphone, watching videos without headphones, dreadful music leaking out of headphones, eating smelly food, failing to discipline riotous children, overcrowding.

Engaging in casual racism and reinforcement of harmful stereotypes without repercussions can indeed be riotous amounts of fun.

But don't worry, because the government will totally make them whole because there is no way that innocent little Tether could have known of all the illegal shenanigans going on… breaks down in riotous laughter

I realize that we all struggle to overcome confirmation bias, but I really am not seeing the police preemptively gassing people prior to the riotous or threatening behavior.

Yet here, we are led to believe that high levels of economic activity are bad or immoral for some reason?And of course "riotous living" throws off all sorts of tax revenue in addition to revenue and profits.

For example, a Lyme disease vaccine was pulled from the market over dubious safety issues [1]:> This panel, described by one participant as raucous and riotous [35], provided a forum for all of the stakeholders [36].

You can export your iPhone's data also, and they give you APIs to do so!But it doesn't matter that I disagree with your comment, because my actual point is that Ballmer doesn't have a point, is a terrible executive, and should have been fired two years ago for his riotous incompetence as a businessman and a marketer.

Who decides what religion is?Who decides what speech is?Who decides who the press are?Who determines peaceful assembly vs riotous mob behavior?Who determines the processes by which we can petition our government and the process' effectiveness?At best, these are all still grey areas we've been trying to nail down since before these words were written.

Riotous definitions


produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous blooming"

See also: exuberant lush luxuriant profuse


characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination; "effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive"; "riotous times"; "these troubled areas"; "the tumultuous years of his administration"; "a turbulent and unruly childhood"

See also: disruptive troubled tumultuous turbulent


unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women"

See also: debauched degenerate degraded dissipated dissolute libertine profligate fast