Embellish in a sentence as a verb

Would you care to embellish us all with your expertise then?

Specific stats are helpful if you have them...but don't embellish.

The work was simple, so I began to embellish the little side projects and essays.

Just like in a resume, a candidate can easily embellish.

It's not even too difficult to get a second or third party to fudge, embellish or outright lie on their behalf.

> Did the NYT reporter add a little journalistic embellish to the story?

More importantly, Tesla owners are finding this out the hard way too. [1][2]Did the NYT reporter add a little journalistic embellish to the story?

My heart just wasn't into embellishing Juan's illustrious adventure at the hospital.

Every generation must discover, and embellish in its own way, panics about the "Imminent Death of the Net".

Not really, my understanding is that the treaty text is now set in stone, so he can't really do more than embellish it, hence all the talk of clarification.

And knowing now how parental memories can, heh, embellish things, I strongly suspect that most of your most memorable reading tricks happened when you were, in fact, three.

"I think the plain, direct language of the paper's conclusion is clear enough without me having to embellish it, and without its defenders extrapolating all of the qualifications and subtexts that they think I missed.

This is part of why it ends up being so hard to distinguish legit programmers from terrible ones by their CVs: the crappy ones know they have to make up a ton of **** to get any interviews at all, whereas the legit ones know that if they can just get through the door and interview they'll get an offer, so they don't bother embellishing, and all the CVs end up looking about the same.

Embellish definitions


add details to

See also: embroider lard aggrandize aggrandise dramatize dramatise


be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"

See also: deck adorn decorate grace beautify


make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"

See also: decorate adorn grace ornament beautify


make more beautiful

See also: fancify beautify prettify