Dramatise in a sentence as a verb

So yeah, I like to dramatise this a bit, and not allow myself to fall into the same traps.

The few car reviews they do are similarly dramatised.

If you're going to have a title with "you're doing it wrong" you should have some unique insight to support your dramatised title.

There's a sequence in the BBC drama "Micro Men" which appears to dramatise this, albeit with an external clock wire as the culprit.

Why would it?Unless Google can dramatise that it does, reliably, they're not going anywhere with this one, no matter how good the technology really is.

There is no need to dramatise it any further.>> In other words, there never was an open border...There was an open border policy but it didn't work[1].

So you think the Chinese government has put 50 million people into lockdown just to dramatise the situation for some sort of media beat up?If we are lucky the problem is not as bad as it appears, but so far nothing I have seen suggests this is anything other than very, very serious.

It reminds me of cory doctorow's point that, intuitively, if some community theatre wanted to dramatise one of his works, they should be able to just do so, but if a major hollywood studio wanted to film it they should require a licence, and it is hard to draft a copyright law that does this properly.

Dramatise definitions


put into dramatic form; "adopt a book for a screenplay"

See also: dramatize adopt


represent something in a dramatic manner; "These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today's youth"

See also: dramatize


add details to

See also: embroider lard embellish aggrandize aggrandise dramatize