Aggrandize in a sentence as a verb

They aggrandize words in their title to get you to click.

Although we shouldn't self-aggrandize, it's hard to do this work well, and so many don't do it well.

First of all, don't overly aggrandize what we do. 99% of it is derivative in most ways.

I just see no reason to aggrandize them or to demonize the cab industry.

Both genders are human, and do human things, and women aggrandize, and men entrap.

Or does the fact that you self-aggrandize by using your real name on HN make you legitimate?

Moreover, we aggrandize those very terrorists by making the claim.

This is just the latest way that CS graduates are trying to self aggrandize and de-trivialize their profession.

" I meant that the tech world seems to slant libertarian, and people in this world seem to aggrandize money as the supreme metric of success.

Let's not over romanticize or aggrandize what an entrepreneur is.

* forces you to not over-aggrandize yourself* others?

Lots of people get hung up on their specialty, and overly aggrandize their importance, instead of seeing the larger concepts.

I think it's kind of hilarious how these guys are badmouthing hackers as slinging things together, and then go on to aggrandize the government and payroll systems.

Throwing himself into the army or a startup company would just be feeding it. Once he stops doing things only to aggrandize his self-concept, he might find something he actually finds interesting or beautiful and from that will spring endless energy.

It's a concerted effort by Saudi Arabia to aggrandize its influence over the Islamic world while undermining western influence.

You cannot step outside of that perspective, so you can either feign humility or self-aggrandize, but there is no possibility for honest self-appraisal.

People aren't good and presented with opportunity, they act quickly to aggrandize themselves using whatever means are necessary.

> "People aren't good and presented with opportunity, they act quickly to aggrandize themselves using whatever means are necessary.

I have, however, gained very valuable information from figuring out that someone likes to aggrandize their own capabilities in a particular topic and/or is unable to say "I don't know.

To call a business environment "culture" is to grossly misunderstand the nature and importance of culture and to over-aggrandize the business environment itself.

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See also: embroider lard embellish aggrandise dramatize dramatise