Adorn in a sentence as a verb

They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

Why would a tendency to adorn oneself not be innate?

Look carefully at the role of women in the headline photo, and you might see it. They're there only to be looked at, to adorn the men.

Why do my friends adorn themselves in dresses that barely cover their underwear when they go to clubs?

Those “Fabrics of Cashmere—” “to make Me beautiful—” “Trinket”—to gem—“Me to adorn—How tell”—tonight?

To protect his person, and to adorn his glory with the trophies of their own exploits, were the most sacred of their duties.

From this we get “tarted up," to adorn, dress, or decorate, especially in a flamboyant manner.

"a tendency to adorn" is not the same as "a tendency to adorn oneself with jewelry"The latter is a subset of the former, OK. But I completely don't see the relevance.

It doesn't matter how fat or pimply you are: You adorn yourself, you clean yourself, wear fancy clothes, you grab attention, you impress people, try hairstyles.

I've regularly seen:-- Myfile With Emphasis --.txtBasically, users will try to use any punctuation they see on their keyboard to adorn their filenames.

It's not about the stickers, peopleit's the idea that people love their macbooks air so much, they adorn them with flair to personalize them, to incorporate the laptop into their own personality

You get this in traditional Western philosophy, even as people define new terminology, that adorn axioms and logical rules to buttress its meaning.

An alternative reading: 'in this day and age' might refer to some future of extravagant wealth only surpassed by the generosity and grace with which the inhabitants thereof adorn themselves.

"a tendency to adorn" is not the same as "a tendency to adorn oneself with jewelry", which is what I've been talking about -- are you talking to me?Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

So, if it's a sureptitious data collection program, you start with the question: how do we convince people to adorn themselves with cumbersome blood pressure cuff, EKG, electrodermal and respiration sensors that we usually wrap around their chest?

Before we adorn our tinfoil hats and assume that the first thing the Facebook "Biz Dev" guys look at in the morning is their API stats, maybe this is an exercise in "Empowering" internal employees to work on side projects not directly associated with their core product.

Adorn definitions


make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"

See also: decorate grace ornament embellish beautify


be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"

See also: deck decorate grace embellish beautify


furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors

See also: invest clothe