Definitive in a sentence as an adjective

Can’t we postpone all this **** 70 hours and go on what will then be definitive facts?

This could mean that the license language is not as definitive as the tone of this letter might suggest.

I don't think any of us would pretend that thread would end up as constructive, so PG gave the definitive answer: Talk to them.

I'll be honest, I'm tired of "free".I'd rather see some definitive information under the Pricing section.

Douglas Adams provided the definitive mocking of that idea:>`But look you found the notice didn't you?

We need a tool for lawyers/lawmakers to help them express the consequences of a bill in a definitive manner.

This is a highly contested subject in linguistics and very much not definitive like the article makes it out to be.

The letter does not quote the license agreement in any way. Normally, if there is something definitive in such a document, it is put front and center in a letter of this type.

Unfortunately, a definitive federal appeals court ruling held that no such ancillary jurisdiction existed, leaving the matter for Congress to decide.

The Court's role in hearing such discretionary appeals is to step in and decide important questions of federal law or to determine who is right when the various lower federal appellate courts may have reached conflicting decisions on such points of law in way that cries out of definitive resolution by the highest court.

Yet, while doing just that and limiting his ruling to the particular facts before him, Judge Alsup has provided a definitive and logically compelling approach to how such issues are to be decided where they concern APIs and copyright and such reasoning is, in my view, destined to be widely applied throughout the court system going forward.

There was a broad agreement\n on the extent and character of the consequences.\n\n ...\n\n The objective of the present annex is to provide an\n authoritative and definitive review of the health effects\n observed to date that are attributable to radiation exposure\n due to the accident and to clarify the potential risk projections,\n taking into account the levels, trends and patterns of\n radiation dose to the exposed populations.

Definitive definitions


clearly defined or formulated; "the plain and unequivocal language of the laws"- R.B.Taney

See also: unequivocal


of recognized authority or excellence; "the definitive work on Greece"; "classical methods of navigation"

See also: authoritative classical classic


supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement; "a definitive verdict"; "a determinate answer to the problem"

See also: determinate