Closeness in a sentence as a noun

It's hard to feel closeness when a friend is hiding what they really think about me from me[2].

In fact, they are worse, because you can see every flaw, due to the closeness of the screen.

And happiness, perhaps, by closeness with people to whom we need never say "**** you" because we love them and accept them fully.

They could launch a feature tomorrow where you can take a picture of a stranger at a bar and be given their 'closeness' to you, or their name.

> You can calculate semantic closeness between "town council" and "fear violence".

I said this before, but the closeness of the vote has nothing to do with how close the vote actually was. Once the whips figure out if a bill is going to pass or not, they then let people vote however will get them more money.

This running on the iPad is the win of the hacking, curiosity and intelligence over the closeness.

The closeness of the individual to the idealization doesn't always change their want for the idealization.

Positional Accuracy is considered the closeness of a coordinate value to values accepted as being true4.

Machine translation between them is probably very accurate because of their relative closeness and the huge volume of sample data for both languages.

Elegant structure with simple core, and closeness to mathematical foundations makes complexities more clear and tractable.

" It sounds impolite when translated into English because in Polish, familiarity/closeness is expressed by an assumption of the other party's willingness to help.

The alignment in the second flyer makes no sense, and in combination with the closeness of the title and the photo the whole top part of the flyer looks pinched together.- The telephone number is large and easy to read.

The only time I typically use polite language is with absolute strangers or people who seem in a bad mood, and even then I mostly speak in plain form and if your tone of voice is warm it serves to enact some closeness between you that people seem to appreciate.

To maintain the closeness of a male friendship, it's also important I put it above any romantic relationships I develop with women, even, and especially when, the women in such relationship puts pressure on me to become closer to her than to my friends.

Here is a function which searches ComplexDataStructure, which contains file and directory names as well as other data, for partial matches of "string", returning a "goodness" value indicating the closeness of the match for the highest-matching candidate: boo :: ComplexDataStructure -> String -> Int I challenge anyone to work out what the function does from that.

Closeness definitions


a feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on"

See also: intimacy


the quality of being close and poorly ventilated

See also: stuffiness


the spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance; "the sudden closeness of the dock sent him into action"

See also: nearness


characterized by a lack of openness (especially about one's actions or purposes)

See also: secretiveness


close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy"

See also: familiarity intimacy