Secretiveness in a sentence as a noun

An area will fail if there is secretiveness instead of cooperation.

If we think about it this way the secretiveness can also make the story more exciting from a marketing perspective.

?As you can see, it is the widespread governmental secretiveness that provides the fertile ground for such "theories".

No more guild-like secretiveness, no more mystical uberman techniques or meditating for 15 years on a mountain top, no more 'I can't show you because I'd **** you'.

To be fair, this wasn't the fault of the Webkit developers, but as mentioned in the article, Apple's ultra-secretiveness and development timelines.

Another phenomena that exists in all companies, but that you really see in big ones, is secretiveness about how people are actually being rewarded.

In the end cooperation beat out secretiveness and destructive competitiveness.

Apple's secretiveness helps manage expectations by not promising things that don't ship, but does little to manage the raging speculation that makes a 4S seem downright boring.

Should you try to exclude people like that?I should clarify that I'm not sure if Apple's secretiveness is a "great business decision", merely that it seems to work for them in terms of marketing.

Especially considering the secretiveness of the operation which would involve perhaps hundreds of individuals divers and crew both is no easy feat.

My problem isn't necessarily with what's happening, it's the secretiveness surrounding it, and the "trust us" attitude that pervades the organization.

I was reading about Moderna today, and I found a number of articles from 2017-18 expressing concern about their secretiveness and impatience with both safety precautions and the failures that are inevitable in drug trials, based on the experiences of former employees and science journals.

Secretiveness definitions


characterized by a lack of openness (especially about one's actions or purposes)

See also: closeness


the trait of keeping things secret

See also: secrecy silence