Intimacy in a sentence as a noun

And I mourn for the dry wind, devoid of intimacy, that blows out across the open plan stage of our working lives.

She wants intimacy with her husband and is sending out "sonar" to see how intimate her husband is with his friends.

I thought the most profound thing mentioned in this article was that loneliness was about intimacy.

I can imagine there will be a strong division of people for and against this type of human intimacy replacement.

That's exactly right, but intimacy is not something you get immediately, for free.

Also, people don't display intimacy in public - even married people generally keep distance.

"TechStars' intimacy obviously gives you more attention, exposure, and access than YC.

If you were not able to make close friends in college/early-life, than once you live on your own in the suburbs, it often feels impossible to get any sense of intimacy.

If that's the goal, then please answer the following question: Should men who don't have or can't find a normal relationship be forever denied occasional intimacy?

And, at risk of oversharing, the thing I find most attractive in porn isn't the whips and chains, as the author says, but simple expressions of real, genuine emotional intimacy.

It sounds a bit dirty, but accepting that it's probably accessibility related and not an invitation to intimacy, I still can't figure out what it might do.

Communication is not at all addressed in the attached article, yet, when I perceive the dialogue in the article, it matches Tannen's model to a T. In a nutshell: men communicate in the domain of independence while women communicate about intimacy.

As a recent college-grad who'd moved to suburbia, I think the automobile-centric culture in America is what is killing intimacy.

"Ingenious remote control vibrator, We-Vibe 3, boosts sexual intimacy and bettersex.

But there was a seriously lonely stretch until I discovered that, and it was all about social intimacy -- not physical, not being among people, but sharing our true selves in conversation and companionship. fixed a minor typo.>

Policing comfort zones is a sure-fire intimacy killer, and it isn't exactly a triumph of empathy to avoid uncomfortable topics of conversation, even if it requires prodigious skill at empathy.

If the person you’re meeting goes in for a hug, ...Now, pair that previous paragraph with this mentality that the person leading a greeting gets to choose its level of intimacy: that a hug is appropriate, and if that's what happens first everyone should be forced to go along with it... this is not OK.

* What really worked- Philosophy; Getting a genuine core philosophy and actively deciding my values gave me a lot of strength.\n- Openness; being extremely honest about my shortcomings with deserving people lead to a form of intimacy\n that makes the trauma not seem so bad any more.\n- "Taking the pain"; This is not the same as sucking it up.

Intimacy definitions


close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy"

See also: familiarity closeness


a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

See also: affair affaire liaison involvement amour


a feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on"

See also: closeness