Familiarity in a sentence as a noun

I have been using the site for over 5 years now, at least once a week, and yet I have zero familiarity with the product.

My familiarity with the domain was fading every day.

[3] Assuming comparable familiarity with both languages, which is rarely the case, of course

You appear to be battling the highly technical concept of "familiarity".

That "narrow bridge of familiarity" was easy to cross back over, especially when I ran out of vapor cartridges.

Yeah, but the "..." in your quote has the all-important qualifier: ...Dont take that as slight to the controller though because its more about the comfort of familiarity over functionality.

It was built for Solaris and really reflects their ideology, which is completely foreign to people who only have familiarity with Linux.

Our users are often subjected to very tight time requirements, so we can't expect them to develop familiarity over a gradual learning curve.

Every profession I have even a passing familiarity with is absolutely chockers with self-congratulatory fluff.

Clojure's conception is much headier: simplicity isn't accomplished through familiarity and comfort, but through the power and flexibility to create appropriate abstractions, and the discipline to avoid dangerous ones.

They're things like* technical debt* familiarity with the codebase and problem domain* interruptions, distractions, multi-tasking and other office environment issues* choice of language - but this is a distant fourth compared to other the other threeOn top of all this, the Economist article is a thinly-veiled press release for tenXer, which is itself nothing more than an exercise in testerone-fueled egotism.

Familiarity definitions


personal knowledge or information about someone or something

See also: acquaintance conversance conversancy


usualness by virtue of being familiar or well known


close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy"

See also: intimacy closeness


a casual manner

See also: casualness


an act of undue intimacy

See also: impropriety indecorum liberty