Charmed in a sentence as an adjective

But it's charmed to vanish just a few seconds later"

I'm sure he's charmed many people but good for her to call him out on this. He'd have been better off letting the CS reps handle it.

Not sure what the word for the something else is, but it's when you're charmed by someone attractive for no good reason. That isn't empathy.

He slandered a successful person to make a name for himself by implying a woman didn't earn her job but instead charmed her way into it. All to further his own name.

You'll be both charmed and troubled by his over-sized personality. But, hey, he was a complicated guy.

I wonder how many times this has already been posted to HN. Not that I'm complaining: every time I re-read it, I'm charmed and delighted all over again.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was charmed by them "this animated wave material is one of my all time favorite fx in game art"

People who live charmed lives can't really understand the real world after a while. It's not their fault, and in a way, the world may be better because of it, but it's annoying when they unknowingly flaunt their "We're successful!"

Furthermore, one has lived a charmed life if the biggest "heartbreak" you experience is not competing for a gold medal that you were "favored to win." The 12 people that died in the Munich Massacre[^1] are a poignant reminder of this simple truth.

If you live a charmed life, you shouldn't go around preaching that everyone should simply muster the determination and grit to live a life as charmed as yours. You should thank God for your good fortune and do what you can to add to the fortune of others.

Yeah, I can turn it off, but the average person is going to be charmed by the gimmick of it without realizing how awful it is. On unfamiliar computers, I go to bing automatically.

> but the average person is going to be charmed by the gimmick of it > Again, normal people are unaware. Knowing about prepending a '+' to a query term doesn't make anyone 'exceptional', and not knowing about it doesn't make anyone 'normal/avergage'.

Python often lets you ignore these things but interviewers tend to be charmed by at least an attention to the possibility that your input is empty. Also, it might be worthwhile to have some "homework" problems that don't have solutions that are variations of the main problem.

He's an eclectic genius playboy with arcane knowledge and impeccable fashion taste, surrounded by rumors of drug fueled sex parties, and who has repeatedly charmed his way into iconic companies, with finesse seemingly his primary work product. He's what half the bros in Silicon Valley want to be.

Proper Noun Examples for Charmed

Charmed me :P Seriously, though, the code intelligence tools there are much better than SublimeIntel.

Charmed definitions


strongly attracted

See also: captivated


filled with wonder and delight

See also: beguiled captivated delighted enthralled entranced