Entranced in a sentence as an adjective

Has my 6 year old entranced. You know what he said, though?

I never said the entranced threatened industry would tell the truth. :P

I love functional programming and wish people would stop being entranced by maths examples.

There's a whole cohort of people who are entranced by the iphone but have never seen steve jobs. To be fair, he doesn't appear anywhere in the stores or in most advertisements.

I remember staying in a friend's basement flat in South London, and taking baths with HSoE. The book was largely destroyed by the time I got on the plane home, but I was entranced.

Persuading entranced people to click on ads - for useless virtual bads or otherwise - is a waste of life and talent. You only get one allotment of life; choose wisely how you spend it.

And often we are entranced by what we are doing, living our dreams. Sleep is personal and largely subjective, there is no universal truth on it as long as we all have different lives.

You shouldn't ignore it outright, but you shouldn't be entranced by it. We've had MIT candidates who couldn't really program and a guy whose school I don't even remember who killed it.

You're already seeing this - hipsters are entranced by the pastoral - city chickens/livestock, city farms, etc.

I have spent many hour-long train commutes entranced by Super Hexagon. The game is really really hard, but the fast-paced sessions and minimalistic controls are very well suited for the mobile form factor.

So much of popular television is entranced by the bland present. This year I preordered the MYO gesture interpreting device and backed a Kickstarter project for wireless and colour-changing light globes.

"Warhol was mesmerizedpeople who knew him know the way he tuned out everything extraneous when he was entranced by whatever it wasgliding the mouse, eyes affixed to the monitor. Haring was bent over watching.

The reason Apple's products are so inspirational, so meaningful, and so timeless is because from the moment you see the computer, before it even turns on, you're entranced. Apple knows that the experience of using a product starts right from the moment a person sees it, and they've made that part of their mission.

I don't know if that says anything about liberal arts and social science types being more cynical and skeptical or if the science and technical crowd types here are just easily entranced by the technical implementation of something and don't see the forest for the trees. It's probably both.

Apparently we are hard-wired to become entranced by stories, but there is a skill to telling them in a way that doesn't break the trance--or, as Teller talks about, leading people to a place where you can smash the trance in a dramatic way for maximum impact. Storytelling has fascinated me ever since I read that study.

I remember being especially entranced by the idea of tests subjects sending coded signals to the waking world through muscular contractions - but then Dreamscape was a relatively new film at the time, so maybe that had something to do with it.

As an example, he showed a picture of a grandfather with his granddaughter sitting in his lap, playing a game, looking totally entranced and delighted at the game, and her grandfather looking at her, with just as entranced and delighted an expression as on his granddaughter's face, even if he didn't necessarily understand what the game itself was about. He got so much enjoyment out of just watching his granddaughter enjoying the game, that it was fun for him, too.

I'm not trying to assert any of this as being the case for the author, but when I was in my teens during the early days of the web, entranced by that heady feeling of being on the vanguard of something truly special, with a little fiefdom at my fingertips simply by being there, I too felt an emboldening, a sense of purpose and grandeur and the emotional vitality and certitude to make sweeping statements, to talk of The Community and be a bold spokesperson. To be figuring out the world, positing ideas and learning about where they take you and how to communicate and convince and argue and wax and eulogize, these are valuable things to learn at any age.

Suppose someone were to go and ask his neighbors for fire and find a substantial blaze there, and just stay there continually warming himself: that is no different from someone who goes to someone else to get to some of his rationality, and fails to realize that he ought to ignite his own flame, his own intellect, but is happy to sit entranced by the lecture, and the words trigger only associative thinking and bring, as it were, only a flush to his cheeks and a glow to his limbs; but he has not dispelled or dispersed, in the warm light of philosophy, the internal dank gloom of his mind."

Entranced definitions


filled with wonder and delight

See also: beguiled captivated charmed delighted enthralled