Beguiled in a sentence as an adjective

That said, I defy anyone not to be a bit beguiled by the pictures in the OP.

>this sort of thing beguiled a lot of clients Yes, exactly. This explains the state of the modern web.

I had a look at these doors as I was intruiged and beguiled by them. They always felt substantial and well-engineered to me.

They composed and compiled, assembled and then beguiled, Until I saw my mind had been quite bold. It went off in willing pursuit with glee, The shadows and crisp light of wanton understanding.

> Just because upper-class enclaves exist as goals to lure the beguiled doesn't mean they're actually utopias. Very well put.

It's a commodity service and I find it bizarre that otherwise intelligent people are beguiled by a brand name.

Just because upper-class enclaves exist as goals to lure the beguiled doesn't mean they're actually utopias.

As time passes, and as you read the sequel, the enchantment fades, your senses return and you realize you've been beguiled. Then you hear the first insightful criticism of the work, and it comes tumbling down.

If you care about code, you'll find work, no matter what language beguiled you first. If anything, Javascript hasn't beguiled a generation of developers, the web has.

Or more cynically, they are optimizing for billable hours, but only once the customer is locked in, having being beguiled by the low costs up front.

Maybe Powerpoint is a passive-aggresssive weapon, snarling up opponents who might be beguiled into using it? Like putting sugar in petrol tanks

So naturally, the tourist who is beguiled into taking a holiday in Honolulu asks, "Is Honolulu still a ‘somewhere else? ’ Is it still a land of girls in hula skirts, and naked breasts, and palm trees, and luaus, and so on?"

Renaissance humanists tended to care more about Greek grammar than about mining technology and windmills, so they created this narrative of medieval backwardness that we're still beguiled by.

Humans can be duped by liars and conned by frauds; manipulated by rhetoric and beguiled by self-regard; browbeaten, cajoled, seduced, intimidated, flattered, wheedled, inveigled, and ensnared. In this respect, humans are unique in the animal kingdom.

> Übermenschen – machine-men, aerialists and space-bound conquistadors – tantalised philosophers and beguiled fascists Articles like this seem to take advantage of the misunderstanding of Nietzsche without directly endorsing it. The actual concept of "ubermensch" would have no place in this article.

1914 translation by H. Rackham "On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

[33] On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

I had already accepted an offer from another company for a summer internship in software dev, an area I was actually interested in, but I was beguiled by the Uber brand and was practically willing to give up a lot to work for them as a result. I am not interested in HR by any stretch, and believe that HR staff are better put to use removing staples from about-to-be-recycled paper or other more productive ends.

Gurdjieff laid a trap for people who think that the purpose of life is power, that is to say, to control everything, and he beguiled them with the idea that they were all asleep and not fully in control of their own processes and their own organisms, and he assigned them the impossible task of being the Lord God Jehova each for one's self. He set them to doing this with great rigor and he added to this the discipline of dances in which you could exercise every limb working on a different rhythm to give yourself the illusion of omnipotence.

Beguiled definitions


filled with wonder and delight

See also: captivated charmed delighted enthralled entranced