Delighted in a sentence as an adjective

I could be screwing in a screw and my son would enjoy it and be delighted about it.

We'd be delighted if our success rate was as high as 50%. Maybe we're bumping people's chances up from 30% to 40%.

Past experience has me hoping I'm wrong to be wary, and I'll be delighted if I am.

My Latin teacher would be delighted. It's marketing, but it also makes sense.

I am surprised and delighted by this site! I cannot stress enough how well this nailed the contingencies that may come up when I was just using this.

This is a great step toward a more sane patent system, and many startup founders should be delighted.

It's just the Indian version of small talk, and they feel delighted if the same questions are asked of them. Talk about programmers - you will find the bell curve at work.

I wonder how many times this has already been posted to HN. Not that I'm complaining: every time I re-read it, I'm charmed and delighted all over again.

And the big spenders in advertising are so delighted with their increased impressions, that they are willing to spend even more. Seems strategically sound to me...

She was very delighted with this new idea, and went to her professor. And his reply was, no, you cannot do that, because the experiment has already been done and you would be wasting time.

I assume governments would be delighted to have justification to tap the internet at backbones. 5.

This process lasted two days, and the entire time I was delighted. They did an incredible job of making me feel accepted as a fellow professional developer.

The team was delighted to see my emacs performance -- splitting the editor into nested panes and running different modes. I was tickled that I got emacs into a block buster movie.

Reading the story, and the comments, there seems to be a disconnect between why the kids were delighted - it is not that they are delighted about Linux or XMonad. Or that they are learning valuable life skills. They are delighted to be spending time with dad.

I remember one year he showed us a magic-shop gizmo he had just acquired, delighted by the cool effect they had contrived. Since I had grown up hacking on my Apple ][+ and kinda idolizing him, it was both a pleasure and a relief to learn that he was just as swell to everybody as you'd expect him to be.

I'm delighted to hear that this child is doing well, and I'm utterly appalled at Tim Armstrong's attitudes towards the lives of his employee's children. Apparently it's possible to pay a programmer $100K/year, but spending ten times that to save the life of one of his employee's children is absolutely unacceptable.

Programmers, as a rule, are delighted by it, and managers, invariably, get more and more annoyed as the story progresses; true mathematicians, however, fail to see the point. If I may venture an explanation for that, it is that the different groups identify with different people in the story.

Feynman was > delighted to discover that this big, important safe used > the exact same type of lock as their little safes did, > and just to be sure, he took the last two numbers off it > while standing in the colonel's office. After the colonel > closed the safe, Feynman told him the safes weren't > secure, and proved it by opening the safe, then > explaining how he did it.

Delighted definitions


greatly pleased


filled with wonder and delight

See also: beguiled captivated charmed enthralled entranced