Eclectic in a sentence as a noun

It's an eclectic area where poverty, middle class, and affluence collide.

RSS readers are a boon to the open, eclectic web, and any action that reduces their use is damaging, in my opinion.

It's intentionally eclectic and far-reaching, sure, but the point is to broaden horizons.

Having to physically return the books can be daunting, but it's a small price to pay for eclectic reading habits with no buyer's remorse.

If you feel that college is too easy mode for you, feel free to take more difficult or eclectic courses, or throw yourself into extracurriculars.

San Francisco is clearly not the interesting eclectic city the author describes.

He welcomed me warmly, and then took me around to meet the eclectic cast of colorful characters and future luminaries that made up the Star development team.

Eclectic in a sentence as an adjective

I always assumed that hacker-types generally had a wide array of eclectic tastes and interests, and I'm pretty sure some of the more famous ones would agree [1].

Linux has such a vast ammount of possible usage patterns that his experience is probably much more eclectic than someone's who was hopping between windows and mac systems.

While Perl is an eclectic language and has the kitchen-sink nature, the only thing it really bolted on without much forethought was its object system, which it borrowed from circa-1994 Python.

So you have a eclectic mix of Chinese people who work in restaurants, aren't as educated and also the sons and daughters of kids who were brought up in the old-timers old school Chinese household who worked their way up through the restaurant chains and became owners and sent their kids to good colleges.

One of the impromptu perks here is lunch: a most eclectic group of programmers, chemists, physicists, managers, support, etc. congregate around one large table and enjoy a discussion thread that flows thru technology, philosophy, brewing, literature, linguistics, astronomy, cooking, etc. - often all in one sitting.

I would add a fourth bullet point, which is "casual computer users who are willing to pay a bit extra for a no-hassle PC with good build quality, and don't much care what OS they're using".> Sadly, these groups are small groups with eclectic needs that won't be met or improved by real systems engineering with the kernel and core modules.

Eclectic definitions


someone who selects according to the eclectic method

See also: eclecticist


selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas