Concerted in a sentence as an adjective

Is this a concerted effort by Microsoft to flood hacker news with their viewpoint?

It's rounding error to spend 6 months making a concerted effort to find a cofounder first.

That wouldn't work against a concerted denial of service attack, but this was no denial of service attack.

It seems increasingly clear to me that there is a concerted effort to paint some tech companies as more sexist than they are. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely a problem of gender imbalance and harassment in our industry that needs to be addressed.

Well, there is also the difficulty that there has not been, save Ada, a serious and concerted effort to replace C and C++ for so many of the things that they are used for.

It's refreshing to see that all this buzz was the result of a glorious postal mishap, not a concerted effort to hijack our attention with a viral marketing stunt.

This is a consequence of the concerted effort by educators to increase post-secondary enrollment in the United States.

Microsoft managed to catch up just barely by putting forth a concerted effort, but if it takes such a diving-catch sort of effort to continue to catch up at every step in the future then they will invariably miss on a few occasions and fall behind for good.

At a time when just overhearing a conversation was hard enough to require concerted effort, they could not dream of a day when a significant percentage of every conversation among 300,000,000 people could be monitored and catalogued automatically at a not-prohibitive cost.

Concerted definitions


involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"

See also: conjunct conjunctive cooperative