Adulterous in a sentence as an adjective

Like one poem which can be read as a praise of ascetism or a description of an adulterous love affair.

If you didn't want anyone to know about it, you shouldn't have gone to a public fricken bar with your adulterous date.

"Can be paraphrased to apply to "rabid hordes of adulterous men who want to make your life miserable".

Yeah, here in America I can't go with my family to a nice public stoning of an adulterous woman.

She is righteous, and her victims were all drug-taking adulterous noogoodniks.

Which will directly affect me more, my wife learning about my adulterous affair, or Eric Schmidt learning about my affair?

To me, the largest problem I have with olive oil is the counterfeiting and adulterous nature of the industry and its infiltration by organized crime.

Polygyny means you're legally married which is allowed in Saudi Arabia but having an adulterous relationship is criminal.

No wonder King Arthur's court collapsed inward upon adulterous scandal and fanatical seeking of religious artifacts.

If a rich aristocrat has a well paid job for them or their good buddy from the bakery down the road needs help teaching an adulterous woman and her last night’s partner a lesson, the police are absolutely there to help “you”.

But here the bacterium forsook its contrived marriage with the cereal plants {40} and formed a more exciting but adulterous union with a tough and self-sufficient blue-green alga growing on the water surface of the paddy field.

Unlike the American right wing, where an irreligious, adulterous, multiply-bankrupt draft dodger can become the universally-beloved darling of the "law and order party" because they are exciting and therefore win elections, the left wing is asking itself hard questions.

What you can do though, is to change the issues that come from that belief and for that, you need to accept him to be able to interact with him in a civil manners.> The majority of muslims want to stone adulterous women and force them to hide their faces and bodies therefore I don't want them hereThe issue is with the end of that sentence.

Adulterous definitions


characterized by adultery; "an adulterous relationship"; "extramarital affairs"; "the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband"

See also: extramarital extracurricular


not faithful to a spouse or lover; "adulterous husbands and wives"; "a two-timing boyfriend"