Extracurricular in a sentence as an adjective

Or maybe you have such a fulfilling current job that you don't feel the need to supplement it with extracurricular activities.

There is extracurricular activities of course but it is not the same as starting with 1st grade and potentially being with the same group of people until the 12th grade.

I'll upvote this if only because I'm not that young, I have obligations, and I would prefer to have extracurricular activities.

Survey your employees to find out what extracurricular activities everyone enjoys.

People don't kidnap others as an extracurricular activity, and so it's doubly myopic to say it were kidnappings happening purely in isolation that triggered this.

They made good grades whether or not they learned, did extracurricular activities whether or not they enjoyed them, and otherwise put aside any sort of personal decision-making for 21 years, in the idea that a college degree would get them "success.

You take tests that provide a rational ordering of who is better than who, you do as many extracurricular activities as you can to prove that you're more well-rounded than the typical person on your resume, and you listen to the people around you to not do anything wrong.

Extracurricular definitions


outside the regular academic curriculum; "sports and drama are popular extracurricular activities"


outside the regular duties of your job or profession


characterized by adultery; "an adulterous relationship"; "extramarital affairs"; "the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband"

See also: adulterous extramarital