Polygyny in a sentence as a noun

To be pedantic, it should be noted that the contrast to polyandry I believe you're looking for is 'polygyny'.

" [1]* Polygamy and polygyny are illegal in the US.

Saudi Arabia allows polygyny which is the complete opposite of this.

If your camp could reciprocate, maybe we can legalize polygamy, not just polygyny, so that we might all live in a maximum of happiness and freedom.

Instead of monogamy or polygyny, they have two-way polyamory.

The reproductive system in its uncivilized state is a winner-take-all system; polygyny is much more common than polyandry.

On the other hand, polygyny doesn't prevent most females in a community from passing on their mitochondrial DNA to subsequent generations.

On the contrary, if disease-induced mating enhancement is acting in just one sex, the potential for its evolution increases with the degree of polygyny in the host population.

However, it's far from obvious what sequence of events led to current conditions; polygyny may have originated as a rational response to intense tribal warfare in a harsh environment and correspondingly low life expectancy for male combatants.

I see polygyny and same-sex marriage as polar opposites; polygyny represents maximal social good, and same-sex marriage represents maximal social chaos, almost to the point where one has to admit that society is already practical disintegrated.

Polygyny definitions


having more than one wife at a time