Contrived in a sentence as an adjective

I don't know if it's as contrived as "not wanting to let the team down.

This Schelling point might be a real grievance, or a contrived one.

>The reasons for privacy are always so contrived.

The problem is much worse than this contrived 'I cant download PuTTY securely'.

I remember one year he showed us a magic-shop gizmo he had just acquired, delighted by the cool effect they had contrived.

One could criticize the HN community for that kind of bikeshedding, but it's more pragmatic to just use a boring, contrived example to sell the point.

I always saw it as a very contrived act on his part, one in perhaps in lost himself at times- but I believe that when he presents this adorable facade, he is mostly in control of it.

I think there's not so much a talent shortage so much as there's a shortage of engineers who are gifted at contrived puzzle questions and willing to accept average pay for exceptional ability.

I've seen Bob Parsons lording over an elephant's carcass as if his contrived conquest of nature by a man with superior force and unlimited money was an incredible accomplishment.

This is an awfully contrived title for an article that could be summarized as "people can find out whether or not you recognize something shown to you by monitoring electrical activity along the scalp.

For my inbox:Turn-offs: - obviously sent to many others - obviously boilerplate - buzzwordy - uses the word "coffee" - no apparent direction or desired outcome - previously insulted me on-line Turn-ons: - already know them - already respect them - referred by someone I know or respect - mentions something I said or wrote - kind words without sounding contrived - mentions something I'm irresistably curious about and most importantly: - builds or expands upon something I said, wrote, or am passionate about

"... as a Python programmer, I was the member of an elite cabal of superhuman ultranerds, smarter than those childish Rails/JavaScript/PHP/whatever developers that couldnt write a bubble sort or comprehend even basic algorithmic complexity, but more in touch with reality than the grey-bearded wizards of Lisp/Haskell/whatever that sat in their caves/towers/whatever solving contrived, nonexistent problems for people that dont exist, or those insane Erlang programmers who are content writing sumerian cuneiform all day long.

Contrived definitions


showing effects of planning or manipulation; "a novel with a contrived ending"


artificially formal; "that artificial humility that her husband hated"; "contrived coyness"; "a stilted letter of acknowledgment"; "when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation"

See also: artificial hokey stilted