Zillion in a sentence as a noun

I flew to NYC to sign a zillion documents in a law office.

This matters about a zillion times less than "where are my first customers going to come from?

Steve Jobs made a zillion bucks cramming his design decisions down peoples' throats.

"Replacize" is one of a zillion ways to get the desired effect, but it does it well and with style, and I like it.

The full list of JetBlue's password restrictions looks very much like the restrictions at a zillion other sites.

Just read Raymond Chen's blog to see the pain Microsoft has to endure to support ten zillion slightly different pieces of hardware.

Zillion in a sentence as an adjective

We have a zillion active languages and database technologies and web frameworks.

We designed a very fast system zero-knowledge matching over zillion entries.

I'm such a great designer, so if I want to make a zillion bucks, I must realize that users are idiots and my beautiful product will make them love their lives again, and if they don't like it they, can suck it!

How did Microsoft manage a zillion OEMs who had to have audited numbers and get invoiced, and Google can't manage a simple compatibility test and license agreement?Never mind third tier phone OEMs, this is really hurting Google in tablets, where you don't need carrier retail channels.

Blaming C does not explain C++'s undecidable grammar, the zillion ABI incompatibilities introduced on top of C, lack of an alternative for #include coupled with features like inlining and templates making it a disaster that it never quite was in C, or many other of C++'s faults.

Zillion definitions


a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole); "there were millions of flies"

See also: million billion trillion jillion gazillion


very large indeterminate number; "a zillion people were there"