Jillion in a sentence as a noun

You have probably been told a jillion times "you can't do that!

The number of places in most code where you're running a tight loop a jillion times is vanishingly small.

You probably don't have a jillion users, or a few thousand engineers.

But I do know that there's a reason that there are a jillion XML-knockoffs with different syntaxes - XML is friggin ugly.

It isn't something crazy, like the jillion dollar designer ***** being developed for my condition.

" To prevent a jillion people from dying while awaiting treatment, maybe someone could bankroll a "Bring a Product to Market in Less Than 25 Years" science competition.

It's almost as if the two may have a relationship, but that certainly cannot be the case because the NRA has spent a jillion dollars telling me otherwise!

>I admit to feeling a twinge of excitement last summer when I read that Paul Graham was leaving his jillion-dollar job to write more essaysrather apocryphal claim.

Because they know you're going to buy that anyway, and if it's at the back, you'll need to walk past a whole bunch of other things that are all designed to be addictive, with colorful marketing signs designed to maximize engagement. Why do automakers make cars with smooth gear changes and plush leather seats and feature-filled entertainment consoles and a jillion speakers?

This year I am considering just drawing pictures on the parts that are ignored and putting down a hundred billion jillion dollars as my refund... I strongly suspect that the people made to do the data entry could use a bit of entertainment.

Jillion definitions


a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole); "there were millions of flies"

See also: million billion trillion zillion gazillion