Gazillion in a sentence as a noun

No gazillion-dollar VoIP contract or phone lines required.

There are a gazillion and a half CMS operations out there, and they all seem to make enough money to keep going.

Having a gazillion lines of **** legacy code and technical debt to fix because you hand optimized for the 90's, it's not so great.

If you want to do embedded development, a reasonable subset of C is all you need to know, and it certainly takes less to learn that it took to learn half a gazillion JS frameworks.

Come on people, it's not hard- if you want to program computers, reasonably structured assembler is all you need to know, and it certainly takes less to learn than it took to learn half a gazillion C libraries.

That's not to say that this really affects the core team, but there are a gazillion Rubyists out there attempting to change everything over to MongoDB that works just fine in whatever flavor of SQL they were running before.

As long as we're sharing hosting anecdotes/recommendations, I'll throw in my two cents: I've dealt with umpty gazillion hosting companies over the last 15+ years, and the only one that has consistently impressed me to the point where I recommend them to clients without any reservations is Rackspace.

Information cluttering does nothing to alleviate the opposite problem of information breadth: if Anon the intern's problem is he doesn't know how to Google for libraries or how to make efficient use of documentation, an IDE that presents him with a gazillion of possibly related things won't help him.

Gazillion definitions


a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole); "there were millions of flies"

See also: million billion trillion zillion jillion