Yokel in a sentence as a noun

A chess master will get their *** handed to them by a skilled yokel.

This is a really good way to ensure that those "local yokels" will never give you a dime.

"I would be careful calling any investors yokel or D-List", ne'er a true word been spoken.

I'm surprised to see people focused on the "local yokel" part, but I make no apologies for it.

Kenneth the page, on the late, great 30 Rock, spoke with a southern accent meant to exemplify his yokel-ness.

I like the quote at the top of the page: A philosopher...is a sort of intellectual yokel who gapes and stares at what sensible people take for granted.

Our modern caricature of the moonshining mountain yokel was created way back then, to marginalize poor farmers.

In the short time I've been reading HN, it's become clear that its readership likes to think of itself as more enlightened than the average mouthbreathing yokel.

> government is now regulating the internet...government takeoverWho do you think we are, a bunch of Fox News watching yokel fools?

"Also, complaining that the average yokel can't manage their credit is like complaining that users can't deal with a command-line interface.

Almost all of the jobs I've ever held were salaried jobs where my fit for it was a no-brainer, and all I had to do was convince them that I was better than the next yokel, which was at time difficult.

If any slack-jawed yokel can do a job that is more difficult than development, where does that leave developers?You are right that we should value ourselves and feel good about our accomplishments.

When Gruber says, "You either see it or you don't,"he means, "If this is important to you, you will notice and value it," not, "If you don't see this, you are an unsophisticated yokel who should stick to pay-phones.

I was once literally called a "poindexter" by a shirtless yokel while travelling by train though the Midwest!Granted, there's always been an undercurrent of counter-culture in America.

The same people who lump all Southerners or Midwesterners into a overweight, bible thumping yokel stereotype, will froth at the mouth about Americans' ignorance of latest political discourse in their small corner of the world.

Yokel definitions


a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture

See also: rube hick yahoo hayseed bumpkin chawbacon