Writhing in a sentence as an adjective

But the well is dry, and there are snakes writhing and hissing on its bed. What is our hero to do?

I'm sorry I know I shouldn't but I'm so sick of people writhing "this." that I couldn't stop myself.

But if I'm wrestling a guy and he slips on a wet spot on the mat and tears a groin muscle and is laying on the mat writhing in pain, should I jump on him and try to score a quick pin? No, of course not.

When I was in High School I got in trouble for designing software and writhing code on paper. Then I got hired by Microsoft when I was 18, and have been doing pretty well for myself since.

On other hand, C++, with its writhing ABIs and changing mangling rules is definitely not suited for dynamic linking. They could make their Class.

You buy the Dow at 7,000 when everybody else is writhing in pain from the ride down from 14k. Own commodities when they're occasionally cheap.

As the writhing, teeming mass of mindworms swarmed over the outer perimeter, we saw the defenders recoil in horror." Stay calm!

You run the risk of getting giardiasis, which is a terrible way to spend a couple of weeks writhing in pain. Cooking food on an electric stove is way, way healthier than cooking it in your fireplace.

For some reason I am reluctant to watch yet another cancer victim writhing and sweating in pain as he/she slips into a 3-week coma and imminent death.

It suggests he's less of a selfish ******* than your average guy, possibly not a good observation to make in a predominantly male forum, exactly why I don't really want to open this can of giant, writhing worms. Ugh.

No more than anyone else would if they stopped grains or meat after eating them daily and writhing about the differences. That different inputs have different effects on a complex system is not the definition of addiction.

This is called a thicket of views, a wilderness of views, a contortion of views, a writhing of views, a fetter of views. Bound by a fetter of views, the uninstructed run-of-the-mill person is not freed from birth, aging, & death, from sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair.

Or, given equal skill, distortion meant you could jump around, play writhing on your back with your tongue, play with your guitar on fire, which you absolutely cannot playing without distortion.

A portion of the "Network" diatribe says the following: At the bottom of all our terrified souls we know that democracy is a dying giant; a sick, dying, decaying political concept writhing in its final pain. I don't mean the United States is finished as a world power.

Of course this requirement is nothing he follows himself, writhing columns about broad sociological changes crammed into phrases like "sharing economy" and "we are all entrepreneurs". The column doesn't even build any case for the accusation in its title!

Banks report net transactions aka BoA and United have customers writhing checks back and forth all the time, but on a given day the net transaction is the sum of all those little transactions. Thus BoA would say the revived 1 million dollars net from United and united would say the lost 1 million to BoA. As long as those numbers match there is no reason not to trust them.

Without the sugar coating: I did occasionally wake up screaming and writhing in agony when the vulnerable tender cells on the front of my eyes had dried out and stuck to the inside of my eyelids, which I'd then brushed against a pillow and torn the cells off my eyeball. Yeah, I've got to admit, that wasn't pleasant.

The latter was in the world map and manifested itself as a giant structure in the southeast ocean consisting of dozens of writhing characters floating in the sea. I took painstaking notes, writing down every possible hint I received from every person in every city.

Sure, the writhing woman and the ***** slide were offensive, but it wasn't until Kagan ostensibly attempted to marginalize her by rewarding her with the hot sauce that she really got angry. Money quote: "What I should have done was stand up, walk the bottle of hot sauce back up to the stage, point out to Noah Kagan that he had not earned the right to give ME a token of recognition&;&."

Whilst the engineering feat is impressive, it is still important to note that at the receiving end of such ingenuity is a writhing half dead corpse so it is with hesitation I would ever celebrate such innovation.

Now, personally I don't believe that the utilitarian explanation is anything more than a rationalization; the real-world history of the global economy is a writhing mass of motives, incentives, morals and power relationships which we have no hope of unpacking, and which we have no reason to think have arrived at any optimal result. However, I do think analyzing the former gets you quite a bit closer to something describably true than any amount of arguing over the latter.

Writhing definitions


moving in a twisting or snake-like or wormlike fashion; "wiggly worms"

See also: wiggly wriggling wriggly