Painstaking in a sentence as an adjective

The level of detail it takes to get one right is painstaking, and it is key to a city's survival.

He fell into control systems by accident and found that he loved the fiendishly painstaking work.

Even with root access on both the host and guests, tracing I/O between them can be painstaking work, as the host can't see and trace inside the guest.

Github is overflowing with brilliant, painstaking solutions to problems that just don't matter.

And it's painstaking--you certainly couldn't make anything on the macroscopic scale.

It doesn't have the reassuring visual solidity of iOS, which comes from a painstaking attention to avoiding redraw flicker.

Knowing the expected result, producing excellent data was easy; instead of a painstaking data-collection process, I outsourced that to a "function" with "noise".

Novels require descriptions, comics require painstaking drawings, films and television require either hours of expression deadening makeup or expensive CGI.

So he would have to access other manuscripts, which might involve a painstaking copying process by hand, travel over large distances, and other numerous challenges the modern translator rarely needs to face.

Instead of spending 25+ years fleshing out the details of a language in painstaking detail, computer programs could be devised that, using large amounts input, determine the most "efficient" means of expressing information.

The critical eye of an average iPhone user will appreciate the fine craftsmanship & precision of the painstaking work that went into translating the iconic clock into an exact digital replica.

It took a treatise on social software, including multiple citations of other social snafus, the painstaking gathering of stakeholder acceptance, and a near-fanatical perseverance to stymie a feature that was absolute poison to our privacy model.

Many of the employees probably already invested years of painstaking trial-and-error, frustrated tech support calls and offering of incentives to more computer-literate relatives and offspring to get where they are in terms of being able to navigate a Windows desktop.

The way I read the joke is that amplituhedron seems to have done very well in giving overnight success to a breakthrough that has taken long painstaking work and has been a field long before it was media-branded, he is pointing out that the same work that spawned the amplituhedron has related work in quantum computing that is similarly important and groundbreaking, so it should have a cool name as well, and n-hedron seems to work.

Painstaking definitions


characterized by extreme care and great effort; "conscientious application to the work at hand"; "painstaking research"; "scrupulous attention to details"

See also: conscientious scrupulous