Wordy in a sentence as an adjective

That article is wordy and hard as **** to parse.

This sounds like a wordy way of saying "**** Off".

The developer may decorate his muddling with tests and wordy comments, but it is still muddling around.

He's been bringing the wordy essays for almost a decade now on a wide variety of topics, but I'll save you some time: He's crazy.

Right, she has a very wordy disclaimer, but how is her disclaimer different from an investment disclaimer?

Your notion of "treated the same" matches approximately nobody's, aside from a handful of wordy bigots.

The article for Equation of Time describes it in more detail, with rather wordy explanations, I'll try to simplify.

My notes are very wordy; it's almost like I'm having a conversation with myself and rephrasing ideas so I can understand them better.

You will be accused of being overly wordy if you do anything other than produce an endless sequence of definition-theorem-proof.

It's much easier to scan for and read CSS rules on their own - especially when utilizing "wordy" statements like CSS animations, font and background declarations.

I was either "too chatty" or "too wordy" or similar, and basically, he had his own ideas for what a post should look like, and I didn't write like him, so he didn't like it.

Influential rappers like E-40 who add new words to the vocabulary, and wordy rappers like Aes on the right who use a really dense and descriptive vocabulary.

It means Obama is smart and talks to people "on different levels" and perhaps has "strong integrity of a kind" but in our multiply weasel-wordy-world, the question is "what kind?

It's a bit wordy, so I'll condense it as much as I can in the context of your reply.> My wife is a corporate lawyer and gets a lot of flak for working long hours, especially from family.

Khan has created a whole model for learning online that has some people enthusiastic about learning more than they could by sitting in class -- yet the criticism from this article is that the Khan videos aren't ideal in using the latest buzz-wordy techniques approved by academia?Maybe the authors of the articles/papers could interact with Sal Khan and offer help.

Wordy definitions


using or containing too many words; "long-winded (or windy) speakers"; "verbose and ineffective instructional methods"; "newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials"; "proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes"

See also: long-winded tedious verbose windy