Verbose in a sentence as an adjective

It's too verbose for apps that don't need to be fast or scale.

" -- This word "verbose" keeps being thrown around as an insult, but nobody brings up the tradeoffs.

Many of the phrases noted are similar overly verbose academic writing.

Java can do higher order functions and closures, but they're so verbose that its better to choose imperative for/while loops over map/reduce/filter, which don't even come in the standard library.

This comment has no place at the top of the page.> the problem with RFCs is the archaic writing styleI'll admit, reading standards is more difficult than reading regular prose, it is nearly impossible to use language precisely without getting too verbose.

> "If you want to get a point across, limit it to a paragraph or so."And, with that, Sergey Brin invalidates the entire human race's history of long-form literature, short stories, essays, and plays...... and his company's own Android launch yesterday, which I suspect was more verbose than a few paragraphs.

Verbose definitions


using or containing too many words; "long-winded (or windy) speakers"; "verbose and ineffective instructional methods"; "newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials"; "proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes"

See also: long-winded tedious windy wordy